Having a Baby

Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate in the world.

The health concern for an expecting mother and her newborn is a high priority in Japan. Various services are offered and a handbook that helps to keep track of the health matters concerning mother and child is distributed to each future mother.

You must possess an Alien Registration certificate in order to qualify these services.


If you become pregnant while in Japan, report to your local public health center(kenkou hoken soudan center /TEL: 0994-41-2110) to take advantage of the various medical services offered.
You will receive the following:

  • A maternal and child health handbook (boshi kenko techo) available in Japanese and English.
    The history of your baby's growth and vaccinations will be recorded in this handbook, so be careful not to lose it.
  • Maternal classes (once a month)
  • Visit by a maternal health promotion counselor
  • Visit by a mid-wife
  • Delivery of milk
  • 3-month old baby's medical check
  • 7-month old baby's health counseling
  • 18-month old baby's medical check
  • 2-year and 2 and a half year old baby's dental check-up
  • 3-year old's medical check

Medical check and vaccination are notified individually.
Bring your maternal and health handbook (boshi kenko techo)

Subsidies for medical care of babies and infants

The medical cost for babies and infants are refunded.

Bring your boshi kenko techo, inkan and health insurance card to medical facilities to apply.

2.Birth Notification

You are required to register the baby's birth within 14 days at the Citizen's Affairs Division (Shiminka).

Bring the following:

  • Maternal and child health handbook
  • Doctor’s certificate of birth
  • Alien registration card
  • Your personal seal (inkan)

Certificate of health insurance If the baby is to stay in Japan longer than 60 days, you must register him/her as a foreign resident.

Also remember to register the baby with your own country's embassy in Japan.


It is advisable to take the following protective inoculations.

  • Tuberculin test
  • Diphtheria
  • BCG
  • Pertussis
  • Polio
  • Tetanus
  • Measles
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • German measles (rubella)