Cooking Salon-Spanish Cuisine

How would you like to learn about different cultures while cooking delicious food at the same time?
The lovely Senorita Cassie Jimenez (Shibushi ALT) will be teaching us this year so please come along and enjoy the various flavours and culture that Spain has to offer.
March 4th, 2012 (Sunday)
11:00~14:00 (Registration starts at 10:30)
Kanoya Central Community Centre (鹿屋中央公民館)
What to bring
Plate, spoon, cup and apron.
500 yen
(Free for Kanoya International Exchange Association members and foreign participants)
Limited to 48 so get in quick!!!
(participants must be at least 5th grade elementary school students)
Registration Deadline
February 29th, 2012 (Wed)
To Apply
Event Report
Please enjoy this slideshow of photos taken at ~Cooking Salon~Spanish Cuisine event held at Kanoya Central Community Centre on the 4th of March.