Fiscal year 2011 International Cooking Salon-Mini Gingerbread Houses Please enjoy this slideshow of photos taken at our International Cooking Salon~Mini Gingerbread Houses~ event held at KAPIC center on the 18th of December. The event was very lively with around 130 participants turning up on the day. Category:Fiscal year 2011 /blog/blog_comments/captcha/95897510 /blog/blog_comments/get_token ≪ The Kanoya International Association’s 15th Anniversary Event "We are the World" International Bowling Tournament ≫
International Cooking Salon-Mini Gingerbread Houses Please enjoy this slideshow of photos taken at our International Cooking Salon~Mini Gingerbread Houses~ event held at KAPIC center on the 18th of December. The event was very lively with around 130 participants turning up on the day. Category:Fiscal year 2011 /blog/blog_comments/captcha/95897510 /blog/blog_comments/get_token