Information regarding our World Cooking Salon

We're going to hold a cooking event with South Africa’s Ruani Visser as our guest instructor. Why not come along and take part with your family, friends or children?
Application needed!
Date and Time
Sunday, June 30th 2019, from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm (entry from 10:30)
East District Study Centre / Higashi Chiku Kenshuu Sentaa (cooking room)
Participation Fee
500 yen
(free for KIEA group memberships of up to five people,for family memberships of up to two people and for individual and student KIEA members, also)
Things to bring
apron, mask, bandana or head covering
c.30 people (older than elementary school age; elementary school students must be accompanied by a guardian).
Application cutoff date
Thursday 20th June
※We’re also looking for volunteer staff to prepare both on the day and prior to the event!!!
For reference
Enquiries/Application details