Why is the City called Kanoya?

There are three main theories about the origins of the name 'Kanoya'.

  • The name was derived from the name of the Kumaso clan chief 'Kaya', who appears in the ancient historical records Kojiki and Nihonshiki.
  • The name was derived from the word 'chigaya', a plant which was very common.
  • The name was derived from the fact that many deer used to live in the area. 'Ka' means deer and 'ya' means dwelling.
    Combined into 'Ka-no-ya' it means 'Deer's dwelling')

The first use of the name 'Kanoya'  is found in the section of the Wamyo Ruijusho entitled Aira-gun Nozato Kushira Kanoya Funado, written by Jun Minamoto in 983 AD.
The area around the center of the city appears to have been called 'Kanoya' since the early Heian period (794-1185AD).