Traditional Malaysian Dance Show

In 1957 Malaysia achieved independence from England and this year marks the countries 52nd year as a multiethnic nation.
The country itself is made up of 13 different provinces and each of these provinces has inherited its own distinct culture. Malaysia is a country that is based on the concept of coexistence and co-prosperity.
This dance group will be wearing native costumes from each of their respective provinces and through their dance they will introduce Malaysian culture to their audiences.
Please come along and enjoy this rare opportunity to see this traditional Malaysian dance group.
1st Performance
Date and Time: 23rd November, 2009 (Public Holiday) 10:00
Venue: The 33rd Kanoya City Agricultural Festival (Kanoya Central Park)
2nd Performance
Date and Time: 23rd November, 2009 (Public Holiday) 12:00 and 14:00
Venue: Kanoya Rose Garden (Garden Stage)